Joetta Stevenson

Joetta Stevenson

Joetta Stevenson serves as the president of the Greater Fifth Ward Super Neighborhood #55 as well as an officer with the Fifth Ward Neighborhood Civic Club and Fair Housing and Neighborhood Rights (FHNR) group. Additionally, she was elected by members and served for three years on the board of a state-wide community advocacy organization, Texas Organizing Project. Joetta is also an active member of a historical Houston church and is highly involved in her community. Currently, she is arranging a meeting between the Trustee Board and a nonprofit solar energy expert to discuss the possibility of providing solar energy access for community residents, particularly during times of disaster. She has spoken often at Metro Transit Authority Board meetings to advocate for revisions within the plan for the original mass transit system, which was eventually approved in 2015. Continuing her lengthy list of community engagement efforts, Joetta assisted in creating a “Trash Patrol” committee that is headed by volunteers to report to our council member and 311, a list of descriptions and addresses of illegal dump sites,  which clogs the community ditches, causing rats, disease, water backups, and flooding. She continues to organize community volunteers to protect, empower, and better their neighborhoods.