Kourtney Revels-8

Kourtney Revels

Water Justice Organizer

Kourtney Revels joined Bayou City Waterkeeper in August 2023. She is a community organizer and education justice advocate who works tirelessly for equity in underserved communities.

She is based in Northeast Houston, where she advocates for infrastructural improvements to drainage systems, equitable distribution of resources, and disaster preparedness, with the North East Action Collective. Kourtney, a mother, champions for improvements to the public education system, while also educating people on the intersectionality between environmental and education justice. She lives and works on the fenceline, and seeks to bring awareness and solutions to vulnerable communities.

Currently, she serves on the board of directors of West Street Recovery and as an Advocate for Public Education with Community Voices for Public Ed.

A native Houstonian, Kourtney looks forward to engaging, educating, and supporting the diverse communities of Houston fairly and equitably through her water justice advocacy.