Welcome our new Water Justice Organizer

Bayou City Waterkeeper
August 28, 2023

Join us in welcoming our new staff member Kourtney Revels, BCWK’s Water Justice Organizer.

What is the last waterbody that you visited? 

The last body of water that I visited was Galveston Beach. 

Tell us about your background. 

I come from the vibrant city of Houston, Texas, where I have spent my life on the Eastside. My upbringing in this diverse and dynamic community has greatly shaped my perspective and values. 

My journey of activism began with a seemingly small but impactful issue. As a young coach with a passion for basketball, I found myself facing a challenge when it came to finding a suitable practice space for my AAU basketball team. The lack of accessible and available facilities highlighted an inequity in resources that piqued my interest in advocating for change. I recognized that many neighborhoods, including my own, were often overlooked when it came to recreational opportunities and proper infrastructure. 

Motivated by my experience with the basketball team, I started to delve into activism more actively. However, my focus shifted from sports-related issues to matters of environmental justice. The catalyst for this change was the persistent flooding problem around my daughter’s school. The ditches in the area seemed to perpetually overflow, posing risks to the safety of the children and the overall well-being of the community. Witnessing this ongoing issue fueled a desire to make a meaningful impact and drive positive change in the environment. 

I embarked on a journey of environmental justice work, channeling my energy and passion into addressing flooding and its root causes. This endeavor allowed me to connect with fellow community members who shared similar concerns and has led me on a path of lifelong service. 

What part of your job do you think you will nerd out about? 

I am excited about meeting partners and community members and making genuine connections. Also, I’m excited about getting into the work and learning more about policies.

How do you think your work as the Water Justice Organizer will impact our community? 

I believe community voices are a very important part of the narrative and one that must be heard. I would like to be a catalyst in bridging the gap between the stakeholders, community members, and local decision-makers. 

Why is Houston special? 

Houston is special because it is diverse and culturally rich. The food is absolutely amazing, and there are tons of things to do and see throughout the city.